Please send me any
updates or suggestions!
Back row: Luke Glenn,
Matt Soffa, Steve Reed, Brian Morris, Dennis Traynor, Rick
Morgan, Susan Jennings, Jen Kamauf, Mr. Smith
Front row: Dave Mallek, Chris Ranson, Brooke Oeler, Leann
Sparks, Jen Swauger, Chad Ruozzi, Melissa Schink
Luke Glenn
Currently attends Grove City College,
majoring in something.
[email protected]
Birthday: November 10, 1977
Susan Jennings
Birthday: December 4, 1977
Jen Kamauf
Currently serving in the United States Air
Force, working in a hospital somewhere.
Birthday: June 3, 1977
Dave Mallek
Currently attends CCAC,
majoring in Music.
Rick Morgan
Currently attends CCAC,
majoring in something.
Birthday: September 8, 1978
Brian Morris
Currently attends Geneva College,
majoring in Business/Finance.
Current address:
3200 College Avenue
Box 3555
Beaver Falls, PA 15010-3599
(724) 847-5540
Pager: (412) 949-3864
[email protected]
Birthday: February 4, 1978
Home address:
1883 Ivanhoe Drive
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
(724) 864-8663 or -4928
Home Page:
Brooke Oeler
Currently chillin'.
Birthday: June 9, 1978
Chris Ranson
Birthday: November 1, 1977
Steve Reed
Currently attends CCAC,
majoring in Computer Science.
[email protected]
Birthday: October 26, 1977
Chad Ruozzi
Currently is working at UPS in New Stanton.
Birthday: October 31, 1976
Melissa Schink
Currently attends Penn State McKeesport, her major is Psychology
and/or Sociology.
Matt Soffa
Currently attends Grove City College,
giving his best effort at engineering.
[email protected]
Birthday: November 27, 1977
Leann Sparks
Currently attends Central Bible
College in Springfield, Missouri, majoring in music ministry
or something like that. And she recently permanently moved to
Springfield, MO.
Birthday: November 9, 1978
Jennie Swauger
Currently attends CCAC,
majoring in I don't know.
Birthday: September 22, 1978
Dennis Traynor
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[email protected]